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You are welcome to leave a testimonial about my teaching or resources. I will review your comments and post them for everyone to read. Thanks!

Dave Vining


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  1. maciek / Apr 15 2011 5:07 pm

    “What Every Trombonist Needs to Know About The Body” makes playing trombone more efficient and productive and answers frequently asked questions about how to achieve the best results with a minimum of effort. The form of “The Breathing Book” where exercises are supported by anatomical pictures greatly highlights the movements of breathing and makes the process of moving air very simple and natural. I highly recommend Mr. Vining’s publications to all trombone players who choose playing as a lifestyle. The information and directions found in those books are guaranteed to be satisfying.

    Maciek Walicki, Hong Kong Philharmonic

  2. Anthony Mazzocchi / Apr 22 2011 5:23 pm

    Your story has always been one that I have followed closely. I ran into signs of early troubles in my playing just as you were “rebounding” from your dystonia. In what seemed like the nick of time, I enveloped myself (and my students!) in your wonderful resources, websites, and publications. My playing and teaching has changed profoundly because of the effort and time you have put into your life’s work. The information that you share is crucial to the development and maintenance of ALL musician’s work, not just trombonists. Thanks for this!

    Tony Mazzocchi
    Professor of Trombone, Montclair State University
    Executive Director, Kinhaven Music School

  3. Wayne Wells / Apr 22 2011 7:03 pm


    This is the most well-thought out, comprehensive, helpful trombone related website I have encountered. Kudos to you for all of your effort in putting it together. It will no doubt be useful for an extremely wide range of trombonists, from the beginner to teachers and seasoned professionals. I will highly recommend it to my students and colleagues. Congratulations!

    Wayne Wells
    Assoc. Prof. of Trombone
    Shenandoah Conservatory

  4. Donn Schaefer / Apr 22 2011 8:04 pm

    David Vining is a master teacher. His students are fortunate to have hands on instruction from somebody who has come up with a well-organized way of explaining all things related to brass playing. Through Vining’s instructional videos and excellent publications, we can all benefit as musicians and educators.

    I have been using David Vining’s “Daily Routines” book for years. This is a great way to keep improving on the horn without getting locked into playing the same routine every day.

    David, thanks for your contributions to the world of brass playing!

    Donn Schaefer
    Professor of Trombone
    University of Utah

  5. Skyler Foster / Sep 22 2011 9:23 am

    During my undergraduate degree with Vining, I was fortunate enough to see him write a large portion of his materials, and I can say without a doubt that they have worked very well for the students who took them to heart.

    His books have changed how I play the trombone; “Flow Studies” in particular has really changed how I use air in phrasing, when changing registers, and how I use move my slide. I can’t imagine not using this book regularly!

    Now that I’m a M.M. student at NEC, i’m able to point my colleagues adn friends to this website and his books, and so far they’re being recieved quite well!

    Kudos to you, Dave, for cleaning out the closet of bad brass habits!

    Skyler Foster
    student of David Vining
    Currently at NEC

  6. Brad Churchwell, Freelance Trombonist / Jun 11 2014 10:06 am

    I came to Mr. Vining suffering from a problem with hesitant entrances. I struggled for almost a year trying to just get the tongue out of the way of the air. I approached 4 other well known trombonists with the issue, who had no idea what I could be doing to cause this, but after just half an hour with Mr. Vining, I was cured for the most part. Now, after going through the process that he showed me many times for a week, hesitant entrances are not an issue for me at all. Mr. Vining has tremendous insight into the physical and psychological processes that go into playing a brass instrument, and I would encourage any brass player at any level to have at least one lesson with him.

  7. James Ryon / Aug 14 2015 8:28 am

    David Vining is a master teacher, both through his lessons and his publications. Recently I took a Skype lesson with Dave, and he was able to pinpoint my problem and give me specific guidelines on how to correct my playing issues. I might add that David is a very gracious and patient person. His smile is infectious. I regularly use his books, both in my teaching and my own practicing. I especially find his books concerning body mapping and breathing to be a major help. And of course his videos offer helpful advice, free of charge. Bravo David for your advice and encouragement to all of us.

  8. Timothy Myers / Aug 17 2015 11:24 am

    I am currently using several of David’s books, for my own practice and for my students. I find the “Flow Studies” to be quite helpful with keeping the air moving in all registers and at varying tempos. It is organized so that, on each of seven days in the week, the trombonist plays two slow, two medium, and two fast etudes. I follow these recommendations and use the book all the time, so much so that the covers have fallen off! I also use David’s “Daily Routines”, for myself and for my students. The book is organized around various topics — for instance, Articulation, Flexibility/Accuracy, Range — to address the player’s current challenges.

    Over the course of my career, I have had small, nagging questions about how the body worked, especially with regard to taking a breath. Piecemeal, through lessons with Arnold Jacobs and from visits to my physical therapist, from poring over Gray’s Anatomy and from visiting medical websites, I got a pretty good idea about how things work. But David’s book “What Every Trombonist Needs to Know About the Body” is all the information any trombonist needs. It is in a well-organized package that follows the outline of the Andover Educators course “What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body”. I believe that every trombonist, and every trombone teacher, needs to have this basic information about how the body works. “What Every Trombonist…” dispels longstanding misinformation and replaces it with anatomic fact.

    I also recommend “The Breathing Book”. It has complete anatomical information, along with simple but powerful exercises that every teacher should know and use.

    David’s is a series of very useful videos that are based in anatomical truth. Some folks are visual learners. These videos cover every aspect of trombone playing.

    David has done a remarkable job at providing a lot of extremely useful materials for the trombone community!

    Timothy Myers
    Principal Trombone, Saint Louis Symphony
    Trombone Instructor, Washington University in Saint Louis
    Member, Trombones of the Saint Louis Symphony

  9. Bill Pritchard / Aug 24 2015 11:56 am

    I have found all of your materials well thought out, very effective and comprehensive.

    Your methods have been very helpful to me and to me students whether they are healthy or experiencing some playing issues.

    I highly recommend your materials to all of my students and anyone looking to become a better player or teacher and anyone looking to understand the mechanics of brass playing in a way that is helpful to their playing and not a detriment.

    Thank you for all of your honesty and insight.
    Bill Pritchard
    Low Brass Professor
    Georgia College and State University
    Lee University

  10. Luc De Vleeschhouwer / Oct 2 2015 5:48 am

    After a beautiful career as an orchestral player, soloist and member of splendid chamber music groups of more than 30 years, the last years, playing the trombone became more and more difficult for me (at the end impossible). On my search for new ideas, I found the Youtube clips of Mr. David Vining about different aspects of trombone playing.
    I visited the website and stopped playing in the orchestra for six months to find out if there was a way for me to continue playing the trombone, or if it was the end of my playing career.
    David was very understanding when I contacted him, and from the first skype lesson on, he changed my understanding of playing : balance, breathing, tonguing, flexibility, use of the air, I see it all from another point of view.
    I use his books for myself and in my teaching and I recommend them to all trombone players and teachers.
    The book “What every trombone player needs to know about his body” is the only book I know that describes in such detail the functioning of the body in relation with trombone playing.
    The “Breathing book” is fantastic and at the same time very concrete and easy to follow, everything is extremely well explained. The practice of this book awakened my breathing and my understanding of breathing substantially.
    “Daily routines” is a complete book with exercises going over all aspects of playing in a very clear and comprehensive way.
    The “Flow studies” give a very good understanding of use of air for me.
    I started back playing in the orchestra, and as David predicted, starting up again was not easy in the beginning. Still, I feel that bit by bit, confidence about the new obtained information is taking over from ghosts of the past.
    I am almost 55 years old, and although I worked as if I was 18, my mind and body did not give the same reaction. Everything takes more time, I have gone through desperate days, but I am happy with the way things continue to move in a good direction. Staccato, breathing, flexibility, embouchure, I changed it all (sometimes small very detailed changes with big result), and got a better understanding.
    Contacting You David was one of the good decisions in my life. You have given me oxygen to continue a while (hopefully some more happy years), I am extremely grateful to You.
    Luc De Vleeschhouwer
    Trombone player in the National Orchestra of Belgium
    Teacher at the Ghent Conservatory (HOGENT).

  11. ROBERT FRENCH / Jan 27 2021 5:04 pm

    Thank you for creating “trombone tools”, I find it an excellent resource in my daily practice

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